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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First-Ever Global Summit on Road Safety Announced

World Leaders Will Convene in Russia to Reduce Global Traffic Deaths

There are more than 1.2 million deaths on the world’s roads each year. To respond to this plague, the United Nations' General Assembly announced that the first-ever summit on road safety will be held in Russia in 2009, with 94 country co-sponsors.

Among items on the conference's agenda will be to explore solutions to this global health crisis, ways to intervene to improve traffic safety conditions, and preventing deaths due to reckless and drunken drivers. As car ownership rises in populous countries such as China and India, The issue of roadway safety takes on more significant importance.

The honorary chairman of Make Roads Safe — The Campaign for Global Road Safety in North America is former U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta. Desmond Tutu, Emeritus Archbishop of Cape Town and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, also played a significant role in the success of the vote.

To learn more about efforts to reduce traffic deaths worldwide, visit the Make Roads Safe campaign Web site.

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