Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Summertime Means More Motorcycle Traffic

MADD and Innocorp Team Up to Raise Impaired Riding Awareness

Summer is almost here, and that means more motorcycle traffic across America's roads and highways.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) August 2008 Traffic Safety Facts reveals that alcohol-impaired motorcycle rider crashes increased by 10 percent in 2007 — the only category of drivers to show an increase. Innocorp, Ltd., developer of the Fatal Vision® impairment simulation goggles, and long-time supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), has initiated a "Green-Yellow-Red" social marketing program to help raise impaired riding awareness amongst motorcyclists.

The program offers options for motorcycle riders to choose to ride sober and ways to safely secure their motorcycle if they become impaired. In a collaborative effort to reduce impaired motorcycle riding, this two-year cooperative agreement between Innocorp and NHTSA was carried out in two Wisconsin counties, where the campaign brought together law enforcement, motorcycle dealerships, restaurants, taverns, and other organizations.

The program led to a 35 percent decrease in motorcycle crashes in which alcohol was a reported contributor, compared to a 2 percent decrease in other Wisconsin urban counties that did not participate in the campaign.

For more information, visit the official Green Yellow Red website.

Did you know that courses are available to educate drivers on the rules of the road and the latest defensive driving techniques? Try one now!