Saturday, May 15, 2010

Driver Safety: Dangers of Riding in the Bed of a Pick-up Truck

A pick-up truck is a vehicle that's specifically designed to carry heavy loads of cargo. As a passenger transport vehicle however, it doesn't do so well. There are dangers in riding in pick-up truck beds, and as fun as riding in the back of a truck with a bunch of buddies sounds, it's dangerous.

Here are some of the dangers of riding in the bed of a pick-up truck:

No seat belts – There are no seat belts in a pick-up truck bed. In most states, it is illegal for passengers of a vehicle to ride without seat belts. There's actually a law in some states that prohibit passengers under the age of 18 to ride in truck beds unrestrained. While persons 18 years and older are allowed to ride unrestrained in pick-up truck beds, the likelihood of a minor accident turning fatal for them is doubled.

High chance of being ejected – Without seat belts, minor bumps and other obstacles on the road may prove fatal. Riding in the bed of a pick-up truck raises the chance for passengers to be ejected, turning a minor collision into a fatal collision. In Florida alone, there have been a lot of cases of passenger deaths due to ejection from a pick-up truck, and the truck driver may be charged with vehicular homicide.

Designed for cargo, not passengers – The very existence of a pick-up truck bed is solely for carrying cargo, not passengers. Even cargo should be securely secured to the pick-up bed. Imagine what damage an unrestrained 2X4 piece of wood could do if it were to fly through the rear window in a crash.

Any vehicle should be driven and used only for its intended purpose. The bed of a pick-up truck is NOT for transporting passengers. Pick-up truck operators should always observe safety when it comes to driving and interacting with other motorists.