Tuesday, October 19, 2010

National Teen Driver Safety Week - October 17 - 23

This week is the National Teen Driver Safety Week (Oct 17-23) and since it has been established by Congress 3 years ago, this time of the year is dedicated to helping teen drivers understand the responsibility that comes with driving. Each year, the leading cause for unnecessary teen deaths is vehicular accidents, and it’s good to know that the Congress is doing something about it.

This year’s theme, which is appropriate --- is distraction. That is, ending distractions on the road for teen drivers. Distracted driving is the number 1 reason why new drivers end up in needless accidents. To help spread the message of stopping distracted driving, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, along with State Farm Insurance have teamed up to present the “Park the phone. Drive.” (or the NNID) PSA.

Some ways to help spread the message on teen driving safety is to share the PSA through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, websites or find ways to get it shown to a local community.

Another way is by initiating a “Ride Like A Friend. Drive Like You Care.” (RLAF) campaign in your school. It is a campaign designed to teach safe teen passenger and driver behavior. Its main goal is for small groups of teens to start informing their fellow teens about teen driving safety and ultimately making press coverage. All of the information and materials needed are available for FREE at the RLAF site. (http://www.ridelikeafriend.org/)

The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has a message for all teen drivers: “Keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, and both (hands and eyes) away from your cell phone while driving.” They have even outlined a specific strategy to combat unsafe teen driving behaviors:

These steps can be adopted by local driving safety advocates for them to teach parents, educators and teen drivers that accidents can be prevented by safe driving practices.

Lastly, one of the best options is to start from home: if there are teen drivers in the family, this may be the best week to review driving safety habits not just for the teens, but also for all drivers in the family.