Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Racing in Florida: Keep It off the Streets

There is a growing concern for street racing in Florida. Various groups, including the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles are saying: "Keep it off the streets!"

Street racing is now considered a first-degree misdemeanor that could cause a driver the loss of his/her Florida driver's license for a year, along with fines that range from $500 to $1000. Last year, Florida legislature increased the fines for repeat street-racing offenses, as a deterrent for people who keep committing the same mistake of street racing.

This increase is substantial: it could cost second-time offenders from $1000 to $3000. For a third offense, street racers will lose their driving privileges for up to four years and face fines between $2000 to $5000.

Currently, Florida has two flyers to address street racing. One simply states: “Keep Racing on the Track. Not on the Street.” The other one addresses motorcycle street racing. It lists down several consequences of being caught street racing on motorcycles. At the very least, the bike would be seized and the driver will lose driving privileges. At the most, these street racers are putting their friends and family in serious danger.

There is also a group that one might approach for more information: FLorida AGainst STreet Racing, also known as FLAGSTRA. In their site, information and various events are posted to help increase awareness on street driving, and how to stop it.