Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Florida Hardship License for Business or Work

Florida drivers who have had their license suspended may, in certain circumstances, apply for a restricted hardship license but the granting of a hardship license isn’t an automatic thing. A driver whose license has been suspended must meet certain eligibility requirements and apply to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) for a hearing to determine whether or not a hardship license will be granted. The hearing officer will listen to the driver's case and determine whether or not all the qualifications have been met and what type of restricted license, if any, to grant.

There are two types of restricted licenses:

1. For Business Purposes Only– This restricted license is granted for a person who shows the need to drive to and from work and to drive as a normal part of his or her job. This license also allows the driver to drive for medical, educational, and religious reasons.
2. For Work Purposes Only – This restricted license allows the driver to drive to and from work and as a normal part of his or her job only.

In order to apply for a restricted hardship license, the driver must contact the DHSMV Administrative Review Office in the county in which he or she lives to schedule an administrative review. It may help the review process to have letters or affidavits from prominent business leaders, law enforcement officers, or court officials to show that the individual can be trusted to drive a motor vehicle.

Prior to applying for a restricted hardship license, the applicant must show proof of enrollment in the appropriate driver education program:
  • ADI - For a driver whose license was suspended administratively for points, child support, or due to a court order, the driver will have to either attend or show an enrollment form for the twelve-hour Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course. If the applicant has enrolled in, but not yet completed, an ADI course, the applicant will have 90 days to complete the course and provide a completion certificate or their restricted license will be canceled. This course is available on-line.
  • DUI – If alcohol or substance abuse was a factor in the suspension, the applicant will have to show proof of completion or enrollment in an approved twenty four-hour DUI course. Failure to provide proof of completion in a subsequent treatment program will lead to cancellation of the restricted license until the course of treatment is successfully completed. The department may also require that the applicant install an alcohol interlock device on his or her car before granting a hardship license.
A driver whose license was revoked for five years or less must serve out a minimum one year period before applying for a restricted hardship license.

Restricted hardship licenses are prohibited for:
  • Anyone who refuses to submit to a test for alcohol (Breathalyzer, field sobriety test) for a second time or anyone who has been convicted of a DUI two or more times.
  • An individual who is disqualified from operating a commercial vehicle cannot get a hardship license to operate a commercial vehicle.