Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Corporate America Works To Limit Cell Phone Use in Fleet Vehicles

ZoomSafer, a software company that develops software for smart phone and tablets that  "promotes safe and legal use while employees are driving company vehicles" has conducted a follow up survey of more than 900 business professionals to  "gauge corporate fleet operators’ perspectives and attitudes toward employee use of mobile devices while driving."  Their first survey was conducted in May of 2011. The results show that those corporations with fleet vehicles driven by their employees take the issue of distracted driving and specifically cell phone use very seriously.

Here are some of the results from this year’s survey:

·         When asked if their company had a written cell phone policy for drivers, 80% of the respondents said their company had such a policy; a 29% increase over the results of last year’s survey.
·         52% of companies without a written policy have plans to implement one in the near future.
·         86% of respondents report that their company takes steps to enforce their written policy; a 52% increase over last year. Methods of enforcement include:
o   Written signed policy 79%
o   Training 74%
o   Supervisor/Peer reporting 72%
o   Post crash discipline 58%
o   Random safety audits 40%

However, confidence in those enforcement methods isn't very high with only 26% of respondents having confidence that their company’s enforcement methods are effective.

As a further method of ensuring employee compliance with written cell phone policies:

·         13% plan to use in vehicle video cameras
·         21% plan to use cell phone based software, and
·         26% plan to use cell phone analytics

For more information on the survey visit: http://zoomsafer.com/