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Monday, June 14, 2010
Safety Tips for Hurricane Season and Flooded Roads

The start of June may mean many things to many people, like prom and graduation for teens, or the start of vacation, but it is also known as the start of hurricane season. Hurricanes, as we all know, cause strong winds and heavy rains, which may lead to flooding. In case of floods and hurricanes, preparedness and patience go hand-in-hand for survival.
Here are a set of guidelines when facing a hurricane/flood:
Stay tuned – Natural disasters like these are usually the time to fire up the radio. If it hasn't rained yet, or there are no warnings in your area, stay updated by listening to the radio.
Specifically, a radio that is battery operated and doesn't need to be plugged in. During heavy rain and strong winds, it is a good idea to turn off the power in your home, so a battery/crank-operated radio will be your lifeline to the situation.
Stock up – If you're one of those families who stock up groceries every week, find out what other supplies are needed. These might include: clean water, medicine, candles and batteries. Make sure the food supply will last for the family for a couple of days, supposing you'd be staying at home.
Check your house – Make sure that there are no damages to the house that might compromise its structural integrity during heavy winds. A cracked window may make for a potential accident waiting to happen. Keep away from windows during a hurricane. Turn off the power if there's a potential for flooding in the home. If you'll be staying in the house, it's a good idea to keep away from electrical equipment, as they pose threats for lightning.
If you need to drive – If there is an absolute need to drive, consider first the importance of driving. If it's to survey the surroundings, then don't. Next, consider the weight of the car. The lightest of cars are usually the first ones to lose control on the road. Make sure the gas tank is full, the engine is well-maintained and that the tires still have enough traction to keep on the road. As little as an inch of water is capable of making a vehicle lose control, so if you have to drive, slow down. If you have to drive for supplies, there's no need to bring the whole family along. If the family needs to evacuate, know the exact roads you'll be traveling in, bring cash that will last for several days and bring cell phones. Keep the phones in a higher part of the car, so as to avoid flood damage.
After the storm – There are typically more casualties after a hurricane than during one. Stay indoors until the news updates say that it is all clear. Do not attempt to use electrical equipment. Do not wander around. Keep away from fallen wires and puddles near them. Survey the damage in the house (if any) and find out what needs to be fixed/done to make sure that you and your family is a little safer.
To help you prepare for this season read more about how to deal with flooded roads.
Labels: driver safety, driving safety, flood waters, flooded roads, hurricane preparedness, hurricane safety