Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Decembers is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Now in its 28th year, December remains to be National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month. Also known as the 3D campaign, it was established way back in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan, in an effort to promote education on the dangers of drunk or drugged driving during the holidays.

With the festivities, events and parties that people are bound to attend this month, there can be no better month to be chosen to educate drivers about safety, beginning at the start of the month, and ending just before the new year. Here are some facts about impaired driving due to illegal substance consumption:

  • 1 in 3 fatal vehicular crashes involve an alcohol/drug-impaired driver.

  • The highest rate of impaired drivers is young adults aged between 18 and 25.

  • Even after the consumption of just 1 drink, decision-making abilities become impaired and drivers begin to lose their inhibitions. After 2 drinks, reasoning and memory are affected.

  • 3 out of 10 Americans face the possibility of being directly involved in alcohol/drug-related traffic accident during their lifetime.

  • Each year, alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost about $51 billion. (2002)

What can be done? Here are just some suggestions on how to avoid becoming part of the grim statistics:

  • Plan ahead. Figure out a way to get home/be taken home in case there will be drinks in a party.

  • Better yet, leave your car and don't get behind the wheel at all --- have a designated driver, find information about designated driver services, grab a cab or ask to stay over if the party is at a friend's house.

  • Don't let friends drive drunk. Find ways to get keys from a friend if that friend has any alcohol intake. They may get annoyed, but it's all for their own good.

Most driving safety organization support the drunk or drugged driving prevention program or campaign informing drivers via education. This year's focus for National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month is on getting the message across for the younger drivers, in order to keep them safe.

Public awareness coupled with highly-visible law enforcement campaigns will help drivers celebrate the holiday month, and not have to worry about being a statistic.